Monday, March 26, 2007

2007 Is an Exciting Year

In about 18 days, Easter Sunday to be exact, I will be turning the big-60! And come, April 5, I truly and officially RETIRE. Yippee! Only 5 more days of working, and earning a living, yowsers! I love my job and I'm good at what I do, but the time has come for a change of pace. Sleep in every day, if I want to. Go walking with my man at the crack of dawn, if I want to. Work out at the pool, if I want to. Go see my grandkids, if I want to. Take our moms out to lunch, if I want to. Lose lots of weight, because I MUST. It's time to start taking care of me.

No longer will I be restricted to Monday and Tuesday only. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays will be mine, all mine! I can't quite believe it myself, but it shall be so.

And on July 15th, we celebrate our 40th Wedding Anniversary. What a year, what a year.

No matter what happens during this wonderful year, 2007. It is loaded with possibilities. And I say, bring it on, I'm ready!


cathy said...


I am so excited for you! What an exciting time in your life! So much to look forward too!

I am excited to celebrate you anniversary too!

Allyson said...

So true Cathy, so very much to be happy for. Especially our 40th Anniversary celebrations :)