For everyone that checks in periodically, the guilt was overwhelming, I was feeling bad that there wasn't a shred of anything new for you to read on my blog for weeks.
I am loving my retirement--at last--even though I officially retired on April 5th, I had been working at home on a 73 page instruction manual (along with samples and examples), a job description and an annual report that had been on my desk since early January. Last Thursday my beloved took the works to church and gave it to the Pastor. Whew, now it's official. No more work-yippee. I tidied up my office, and now it once again belongs to me, all me.
Between post-work, we had a lovely visit with my Aunty Myrtle from Winnipeg, Mom and she came to dinner last Thursday. My wonderful Aunty regailed us with stories about the family I know so little about. When I was almost 2 we moved from Winnipeg to Vancouver, so our family missed out on alot. It was wonderful to hear the stories of my Nanny and Pappa, and my cousins, aunties and uncles.
I am loving my retirement--at last--even though I officially retired on April 5th, I had been working at home on a 73 page instruction manual (along with samples and examples), a job description and an annual report that had been on my desk since early January. Last Thursday my beloved took the works to church and gave it to the Pastor. Whew, now it's official. No more work-yippee. I tidied up my office, and now it once again belongs to me, all me.
Between post-work, we had a lovely visit with my Aunty Myrtle from Winnipeg, Mom and she came to dinner last Thursday. My wonderful Aunty regailed us with stories about the family I know so little about. When I was almost 2 we moved from Winnipeg to Vancouver, so our family missed out on alot. It was wonderful to hear the stories of my Nanny and Pappa, and my cousins, aunties and uncles.
(Aunty Myrtle, my beautiful mom, Laura, and me in my newly cleaned office.)
On the previous Monday, we travelled to Ladner to get a preview look at April and Nick and Abby's new homestead. They are going to be so very happy there, I can picture it already. And April, if you are reading this, I found the sewing machine, daddy didn't put it in the crawlspace afterall :)! And since we are retired, my beloved and I decided that we could do with only one car, so after April and Nick's we travelled into Vancouver to Amy and Tyler's. She is now the proud (we hope) new owner of her daddy's Acura. Happy Driving my darling!
And then the biggie of all biggies, Cathy and Cliff moved on Saturday. We took the Fab-5 for the day. We moved the dining room table into my office--off the carpet and onto wipeable flooring--my idea, which if I may say so, worked like a charm, moved all ornaments and the like, and entertained and fed them for the day. It was a wonderful day, but we were deliriously tired when they went home. We put our place back in order and went over to see the new digs-one word-awesome! After that, I volunteered to go to the old place to do a bit of tidying up. That daughter of mine is amazing, there was hardly anything to do. And let me tell you, hardly a mark on any wall. How'd she do that? You should have seen our walls when our three were little, all you could see were spots for as high as their little hands could reach!
I must admit by the time we got home, we crashed right into bed, got up the next day to go to Church, came home for lunch, had a walk in the sunshine and then crashed, crashed, crashed. I'm feeling it, I'm 60!
Tomorrow, April and Abby will entertain both me and Aunty Amy. April tells me to pack my walking shoes, uh oh! Sounds like another busy day, I'd better get some beauty sleep.
Well dear readers, nothing too exciting from our vantage point, but our darling daughter's 3 made up for it.
Until we "meet" again, take care!
1 comment:
What's that old saying? "You've come a long way baby!" (Am I dating myself???)
Good for you Aunty A! Enjoy EVERY single moment of your retirement. You've worked so VERY hard to get here!
We love you. Andrea (Kirb and Matty) xo
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