Saturday, April 07, 2007

Goodbye 50s -- Hello 60s!

Here it is, 11:58 p.m. on Saturday Night and these are my very last moments of being 50.

I cannot believe that the big wheel has rolled by so quickly.

Where did the time go? Time to fly. Time to learn. Time . . . .


cathy said...

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Enjoy your freedom that comes with retirement and turning 60!

Allyson said...

Thanks little momma hen! I love you. xxxooo

Mrs. Merriman said...

Happy wonderful belated birthday, Momma A!! What a wonderful gift you gave yourself, too!!

*BIG HUGS!* muah!

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hooo!!!
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Happy Retirement!!
I wish you all the best in your retirement, may it be healthy, happy and very very long!
Take care of Mr A, it's going to be a big change for him too. How nice that you can travel, shop, garden or do NOTHING at all.
Love lots Laura

Allyson said...

Cynthia and Laura!

Thank you both for your good wishes. I am enjoying it already. Although tomorrow will be my first "official" day off, guess whose house I have to be at before what would have been my regularly scheduled work hour, yup that would be my Murrayville Mom's. Let's hear it for me, sob, sigh, smile. xxx