Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year Everyone

Happy 2008 Everyone!

It is so hard to believe that 2007 is almost a memory. The rolling year is tumbling to 2008 before our very eyes. For my beloved and I it has been touched with so many happy memories, the birth of a new grandaughter, our 40th anniversary and all the planning and partying that went with it. Laughing with grandchildren, and enjoying their antics. The wedding of a nephew. Conversing with other bloggers, sharing excitement, fears and tears and commiserating over the loss of loved ones. Happy and blessed with an abundance of riches-family, love, a warm home, lots of food (too much food!), and good health and best of all for me, retirement. We are blessed both of us, with our mothers, GG and Oma to the great-grandchildren. We don't know what 2008 has in store for us and that is probably just as well. My wish for you is that you find joy in the ordinary, have good health, and receive love, care and laughter at unexpected moments. From my Blog to yours, Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Hope Walls said...

Happy New Year, MMM!!!!