Monday, February 04, 2008

The Many Faces of Abby

I had the good great fortune to spend some time with Abby on Saturday and Sunday and how lovely it was. She has turned into a serious stair climber and this Nanna (Abby calls me Nanna not Nanny) thought that she might benefit from learning her cousin's method of going downstairs. They stiffen their little bodies and surf down. After a few tries, Abby too mastered this technique, and adapted it in her own special way. She even did the bent-knee, step down technique. What a clever little gal she is! I didn't tell her mommy or daddy this, but I am one those obsessive-type people, who when I see a little dab of something or other on a carpet (especially on stairs as I am going up them), will pick up the speck of whatever it is to remove it from the carpet. Well Abby saw me doing this (just a few times, because April and Nick's house is as neat as a pin and I wouldn't want to give you any other impression), and she too was doing it, only, she wasn't picking anything up, just imitating my action. Now is that cute or WHAT!!!!

Here are just a few pictures of beautiful grandaughter number 5, but as with each and every one of our grandchildren, they are always and forever, Number One in my heart-of-hearts!

Playing with Pappa

What a splendid family
This walk was too long Nanna! Don't you just love floppy ears on that hat?
Demonstrating how high the Mole Sisters looked up


Wendy said...

Lovely pictures of Abby - looks like she had a wonderful time with her Nanny ... I mean Nanna :-)

Allyson said...

Hi Wendy,I sure hope she did, I know that I did for sure. So delightful to wake up to a baby talking in her crib. And there she was sitting up reading a book when I went in, and she gave me this huge big smile! I love the early morning smiles of little girls!