Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who Cut the Whiskers Off the Cat or, Catie Has a Mullet

Catie has a mullet! Check out my daughter's website.

Here's the thing, would a child just under three really hide the evidence in the closet or could it have been a sibling?

This is why I ask this question. When I was about 5 or 6 I was accused of cutting the whiskers off our family cat. It might have been Tippy or it might have been Joey. But of one thing I am certain, I didn't do it. This issue has followed me all my life, and if I mentioned it to my 62 year old sister today, she would still accuse me of it. Of course as a child, after a thing like this comes up time after time, after time, you begin to protest too much, why I even smiled about it. So I looked guilty, but honestly I didn't do it. And since it was my sister, not my brother who kept insisting it was me, I think it was her. Why you ask? Well you see, my sister is an electrologist and I think she was working on her craft way back when. Sorry Maddie, I still say it was you! Would an ex-Church lady lie?

Was it Sataaaan?
I think not!


Hope Walls said...

I think "they" did it. Under the realm of my new all-encompassing conspiracy theory, "they" are ALWAYS the culprits...

Carol Kerfoot said...