Happy Father's Day to my Beloved!
Through thick and thin and back again, the constant in my life these almost 40 years is my beloved Dick.
Having children was his gift to me. Way back when, he could take children or leave them, probably the latter. But knowing what it would mean to me to live without them, he gave both of us the hugest gift ever, our three daughters. Three darlings in three years.
He was a man on the cutting edge of daddy's in the delivery room. We attended childbirth classes, and as time progressed we were invited to speak to a group of prospective parents, and he spoke so beautifully and eloquently on what it is like to be a daddy in the delivery room.
I remember him painting and wallpapering the third bedroom in anticipation of our third daughter's birth. This room was on temporary loan to April and at some point during the day we stood her in the crib while we stuggled with this heavy paper. The next morning the first words out of April's mouth was the word "Daddy" as she pointed to the newly papered wall.
When the girls were toddlers and mommy was getting hysterical about something or other, we attended positive parenting classes which helped immensely. But I also know, it was the love and support of my beloved Dick that helped the most.
When our youngest was just 6 weeks old, I needed major surgery which meant 6 days in the hospital. He would place Amy in the snuggli and drive from Richmond to V.G.H. so that I could resume nursing her. And during that same hospital stay, on a stormy thunder and lighting night while I lay sleepless and in a bad state of mind (crying all night long), at the same time Dick was at home sitting on the edge of the bed with the power out and three crying daughters.
I remember him getting out of bed at night to attend to one child or another whether it be for a bad dream or a sick, throwing up child. His favourite story is of a time he heard Amy crying out in the night. He jumped up out of bed, hoping against hope to prevent her from throwing up all over the bedding which had happened so often. Hauling this little child's body over the edge of the bed, face down, in an effort to save the bedding, she cried out, "no daddy, I'm having a bad dream!" I lay in bed laughing my head off.
Or the time Cathy woke up the morning after she had taken a huge fall. We won't go into details right Daddy? The first person she called out for was her Daddy. She said, "I can't see out of my eye". She had the hugest shiner, we've ever seen. Her eye was completely swollen shut. It was scary, but the staff at Richmond Hospital assured us she was fine and she was, but that may account for her fear of heights. (Only kidding!)
Teaching the girls to drive. Teaching 2 of the 3 Art when they were in High School. Being so very proud of the young women they have become, you couldn't ask for a prouder Dad. I can't count the number of times he has told me what wonderful children we have and how awful life would be without them.
Our life is richer than we ever imagined possible, all because of love.
Thank you Honey I love you. Happy Father's Day.
Happy Fathers Day Daddy!
I am so glad you made the choice to have us! For, I am so glad that you are my Dad! I know you cannot pick your family, so I know that the three of us are extremely blessed gals to have Dad for our Dad!
I know growing up maybe we didn't think that way (and maybe said a mean word or one hundred) but I wish I could take those back. But being Dad, I know he has forgiven us lol.
Dad has been a huge roll model in our lives, and to that I say thank you Dad, and I love you. Have a wonderful day today! You certainly deserve that (and so much more)
I am also thankful that our kids have Dad (Pappa) in their lives. I know that he greatly enriches their lives with his knowledge, wisdom, caring nature, and thoughts and life experiences. And the stories! And the play fighting!
And, now as a Mom I get to see first hand what my life was like when I was a child. That is a wonderful gift! I know we were so loved!
I just know how much the kids love him and all that he does with them. Thank you Dad for that too.
You are the best Dad in the world.
With love,
Cathy xoxo
I meant to say ROLE model. I must have sushi on the brain! lol
That top photo was taken weeks after I had Cameron (postpartum period!) and the bottom photo I was just pregnant with this baby! Some things never change hey Mom!
They sure don't Cath! xxx And it is just wonderful I might add!
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