Saturday, June 16, 2007

Father's Remembered

Remembering with love two wonderful Fathers. Mine, Ralph "G." and Dick's, Artur "A."

We'd give anything to sit and hold your hand today Dad. To thank you for all of your love. To thank you for the countless things you did just for us. Your years of service to your countries. Your years and years of work to make a home for us. We can never repay you, but we thank you, we miss you. We miss you terribly. You are in in our hearts and minds today and always.

The picture taken below was of me and my dad when I was little, picinic-ing at Stanley Park!

This picture is of my beloved when he was about 4, I know it was his sister L's 2nd Birthday.

1 comment:

cathy said...

I love them both so much, and I really miss them. I really feel the loss of my grandfathers. I especially noticed it when I went to pick out Fathers Day cards. I felt bad for you, and for Dad. I felt bad For Oma and for Grannie. I felt bad for us all.