Now that I've retired, there are no gossipy stories from work, trials and tribulations about commuting to and from, no heartfelt anicdotes of sights seen as I drove through a sad and worndown area of Surrey. Without being smug, I am glad.
This week has been such a nice one beginning with Mother's Day and all of the love my daughters bespoke of me. I really do not feel worthy of all that love and praise. But Thank you!
On Monday, Pappa and I went off to Cathy's to care for the two little ones. The morning reminded each of us what it used to be like when we were young and playing with our little gals. It was wonderful. We got to snuggle, and play and laugh and get cozy. Very sweet. The youngest, Caroline made us laugh so hard. She catches your attention by saying in a most determined little, deep voice - hey, hey - when she spies something she wants, such as a banana, and of course the little pointing finger goes along with it. Now that's communication.
Later on in the week my darling "dotter" Cynthia, sent me the cutest picture of her pride and joy, Ben. He was wearing a shirt which his grandmother sewed for him, made of the same bolt of cloth as Claire's school bag. That was an unexpected surprise. Ben looks so darling it really made me want to just reach out and hug him. Such a sweetheart. I guess we know who he takes after Cynthia!
On Wednesday night my beloved and I met my mom for dinner at a restaurant down the hill from her house. Usually when we've visited there in the past, the service while friendly, was always terribly slow. But not on Wednesday. We think it is under new othership, and our server was such a friendly guy, and we all got to eat off the Senior's menu to boot, which included, pie. Mmmm. It was so nice to get to get together and visit with my mommy and share a story and a laugh or two or three. Thanks Mom :0
On Thursday morning we trouped out to Ladner to see April and Abby, and Aunty Amy met us there too. Amy comes in from Vancouver and we drive to Ladner via the 10 Highway. How about this for synchronization? This time and last time, as we crossed over the main highway that takes you to the ferry, Amy turned right onto the road we were on, and was only about 4 car lengths ahead. Yesterday, we crossed over first and spied her car about 4 back waiting to make the turn onto the same road. We couldn't arrange to do that if we wanted to.
When we arrived, Amy and her Dad talked about the car outside and I went upstairs, and there in the kitchen was our dear little Abby in her highchair eating her pablum as her mommy fed her. Her little face just broke into the most magnificant smile when she saw me. All was so nice and peaceful, never did the little one realize that bedlam was about to ensue, with Pappa and Aunty Amy and Nanny invading their quiet little world. She didn't know where to look or who to smile at, but one thing is for certain, she loves her Aunty Amy. She started talking and smiling at her the moment Amy came near. I think it is partly to do with the fact that her mommy and her aunty are so very much alike. And without really knowing why, Abby recognizes these similarites. Pappa left for the swimming pool and we 4 girls had a wonderful time. The big problem was, that Aunty Cathy misses out on these rare get-to-gethers and for that we feel sad. Sorry Cathy. And Amy and April-thanks for the great shoes, I just love them! April you really didn't have a chance at them did you? That wasn't intentional, honest, but I really, really love them!
This is the long weekend, and my tomato plants are growing and thriving in their pot outside, lovingly covered each night to protect them from the coolish night air. Last year I planted them 3 weeks too late with the end result, that many didn't ripen on the vine and that made us feel so sad. We didn't want to repeat that again this year. So here's hoping. My sweetpea plants are shooting up through the dirt in their temporary pots housed in my office. It looks like I'll be able to plant them next week when the weather warms up just a little more. I can see the bouquets already!
Thinking happy thoughts of Cari and Steve moving this weekend! Little baby Lulu is 1 today! Kayla had her school's Sports Day today, I hope she had fun! Alyson's Baby Peyton has arrived safe and sound; Andrea and Kirby get a long weekend to spend with Matty-Bug-yay; my mom and my sister are hoping to spend the first of many weekends at The Lake; Nick starts a week's "vacation". Oh April, maybe you'll get to sleep in a bit, here's hoping. But more importantly, April and Nick will celebrate their 3rd Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday, and my dear friend Yvonne turns the big 60 Tuesday too, yikes, Yvonne we're getting older! Cathy I hope you receive more bouquets of flowers, your cup overfloweth darling, you are blessed.
Before I end today's blog, I'd like to share a couple of pictures. One was taken in the very early 50s and the other one was taken just a few weeks ago, during a swim party, thanks to Uncle Tyler.
Cameron and below, his Pappa, both were about the same age, taken decades apart, but the similarities are striking. Both blond, ribsy thin and love water. Cameron in a pool in Murrayville, Pappa in a pool in Bergneustad, Germany.
Happy long weekned everyone!
A.A. I just LOVE your writings. Such enjoyable reading! Happy long weekend to you and U.D.
Unfortunately for us, Kirb YET AGAIN has to work the stat (Monday) ~ and why would THAT be any different??? So, no long weekend for "us". Dad is STILL out of town so I think I'll try to visit Mom on the Monday when Kirb has gone off to dreaded place called work! ;-(
We love you! Andrea xo
Dear Andrea, boo on V_aC__d :( I was so sure you'd have these 3 days off. Your momma will be so happy to see you and Mattie though. I hear daddy's coming home on Tuesday, yay Rich. Enjoy this rainy weekend whatever you do my love, always, AA xx
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