How many times have we heard that question? Many more times than I'd care to admit. And I guess the question is prepared for what? In a general sense, none of us knows what lies ahead for any of us, and that's probably a good thing as our friend Martha Stewart always used to say.
In this case however, the question should really be, are you prepared if the "big one" should hit?
We're not, that's for sure. When Amy was taking her course to prepare her for being a 911 call-taker she made us be ready! She took pictures of our house with all the no-no's and put us in a report she was preparing. She wrote us up, but we took up the call and did it. Alas, the emergency food ended up being tossed as it was all past the date. The cat died and her food was tossed out too, poor little Patchy, we tried! I still have my bag packed under my bed, just in case, and a box in trunk of my car. I even made up special backpacks for all of the girls to trudge to their worksites-just in case. Now siesmologists (spelling??) are saying the plates are slipping and pointing to the big one hitting. Not scare-mongering, just stating the facts as they know them. He also went on to say, the next few weeks will tell a story - I just hope it's not THE STORY!
This morning I spoke to my beloved, and I think a generator is in our future, and a hot plate to plug into it, and, and, and, and . . .
Dick and I are walkers, and we trapse around in snow, sleet, frost, sun, rain and wind and I am just so sorry that a few walks ago in the dense fog, I spoke those fateful words "what next?" May it not be so.
But in the meantime, it is certainly something to carefully consider. Go to the site listed below and check out some of the things that will most certainly give you peace of mind should it happen.
Amy and Tyler if you are reading this - aren't you proud of me for taking up the call? We miss you and love you. Enjoy relaxing on those sunny shores in Thailand. xxxooo
Thanks for posting this - I've been saying to Jose for a week now that we should get together an emergency kit, and now I have some ideas of what to include.
You are so welcome Wendy. Oh a kit is a must especially when you have a little darling Lulu. You would feel so helpless without her provisions. Cathy and April have both done up various things. They know the drill, but like me, they let the kits fall into disrepair and old age. No time like the present though to remedy things. Way to go Wendy! xxoo
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