Happiness is, having my beautiful grandaughter fall asleep on me.
Happiness is, rubbing my two year old grandaughter's little bare feet.
Happiness is, hearing from our Ladner Momma that her beauty slept the night through.
Happiness is, picking up grandaughter number 1 at Kindergarten all smiley and pink and warm.
Happiness is, knowing Pappa and grandaughter number 2 are going skating.
Happiness is, reading James and the Giant Peach to our grandson after a week's absence.
Happiness is, looking at daughter number 1's baby album with her over tea.
Happiness is, answering the telephone to find it is travelling daughter on the other end and hearing about her awesome adventures in Thailand. They are having a wonderful vacation.
Happiness is, a roasted chicken dinner with enough leftovers for a casserole today.
Happiness is, watching the piles of snow melt in our back yard.
Happiness is, speaking to my mother on the telephone and her relating a 3 word conversation my niece had with her son as she was putting him to bed, telling him how cozy he was in his PJs. The three words tree, box, paper. My great-nephew was telling her that he got his PJs for Christmas! (I believe this is how it went. This story was told to me by my mother, who was told of the conversation by my sister-in-law, about her darling grandson, my Great-nephew who turned 2 in October). He is so clever and so cute!
Happiness is, 32 more days! That's all I'll say about that!
I hope whoever reads this will have a page full of happiness to write or think about!
Happiness is... having such a wonderful Aunt and Uncle who care and love their niece (nephew and great-nephew) ALMOST as much as their own wonderful girls (and their girls' hubbies and their 6 wonderful grandchildren)!
Happiness is... reading all that makes you happy and smiling with each comment you made... (although I am still trying to figure out the 32 days part...?)
Happiness is... reading about MY wonderful son and getting that excited and proud feeling that a mother gets over their child...
p.s. - the three words were tree, box, present... It was so amazing to me that he remembered that (insignificant) detail of how he obtained his fancy Lightning McQueen jammies. :-) (One day I'll have to tell you all about the phone conversation I had with him when I called home... and Daddy was in the SHOWER!)
Happiness is... having such a truly special family to love, care for and be involved with and IN!
Love, hugs and kisses ~ Andrea xo
Happiness is hearing about my family and how happy they make you both
32 more days??? ;D
Happiness is Peppermint Patties
32 more days to the Oscars??
32 more days until Tyler and Amy return?
Am I close??
Lovely write up, Mom.
32 Days - I'll never tell! But all excellent guesses.
Andrea, I just loved hearing that story as told to me by GG, as told by your Mom, as related by you, and that loving, lovey little man of yours. 3 little words have so much meaning. Just like the other 3 little words - I Love You! We are the lucky ones believe you me.
Cathy, I love pepermint patties too!
Thanks April-we are a group of mutual admiration society aren't we!
What would my life be like without all of you in it? BORING, LONELY, LIFELESS, UNKOWN LONGING, LAUGHLESS.
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