Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Decorators in the Making

Look at these three beauties, April, Amy and Cathy, my girls, my beauties, my prizes! Everytime I see this picture, it makes me smile.

This picture was taken by their daddy while I was supposedly napping in the bedroom right next to theirs. Let that be a lesson to all you moms out there! I know Cathy recently had a similar experience, and I'm betting that when "BB" gets here, April will experience it too! And Amy, watch out for Miss Kayla, especially when her "cousins" come for a sleepover!

Now the only thing little that remains from this picture is one little white chair that has somehow escaped the Little Red Riding Hood syndrome. "This chair is too small and she broke it!" Now a whole new generation of little ladies, Catie and Carly and Claire, love to lay claim to it each time they come over for a visit. Pappa and I aren't too sure how much longer it will last. The joints are getting looser and creakier (kind of like Nanny and Pappa's) each time it is picked up and set down!

Who knew way back then that these three little girls were just practicing their skills as decorators. We sure didn't. But I can tell you one thing, they all have a nack and an eye for decorating. Each and every time I go to one of their homes, I come away super impressed. So girls, I'm glad we didn't get mad, we just got out the old Zenet B from Russia and took a picture instead!

Thank goodness for cameras.

Love you!
xxxooo :)


cathy said...

Pappa better get out the super glue and get those joints fixed up! And you both are so pro-active in your fitness! I am sure the joints will last forever and ever!

Thanks for the compliments! Wait until you see our master bedroom when we are finished with it! It is going to be f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s! The bedding works so well in the room! Just a few more Cathy touches xo

cathy said...

PS...isn't that white chair mine? lol.

One day that chair will look fabulous in our place!! Once our girls are done with it over there! I lay claim to that chair! ;D

Mrs. Merriman said...

I agree with Cathy, their bedroom is going to be FAB!! Quite jealous, really!

cathy said...

I took before photos of our room, and I will be sure to do the afters!

Allyson said...

I dunno Cath, those knees of mine some days, and don't forget your dad's soccer playing, he seems to have hurt his glutiousmaximus (spelling).

As for the chairs, yikes, that's going to be hard I'll need the wisdom of Solomon to divide up the goodies that's for sure.

And about your room, I can't wait to see what you're going to do with the place. Before and Afters are really a great idea. But then, you always have great ideas!

Allyson said...

I dunno Cath, those knees of mine some days, and don't forget your dad's soccer playing, he seems to have hurt his glutiousmaximus (spelling).

As for the chairs, yikes, that's going to be hard I'll need the wisdom of Solomon to divide up the goodies that's for sure.

And about your room, I can't wait to see what you're going to do with the place. Before and Afters are really a great idea. But then, you always have great ideas!

Allyson said...

Why did that repeat itself? Why do I always have to log onto my own comments now? Something has changed here!

Allyson said...

You're so right Cynthia, she does have an eye and a nack. But I'm betting you do too! I saw a sample of what you do for a living. That announcement was beautiful -- you've got the eye too!

Mrs. Merriman said...

She does have an eye :D Thanks "mom"! I love what I do, and I love being able to do work for people who are so appreciative ( <-- Like Cathy!)

cathy said...

*blushing from head to toe*