When you look at these pictures, it may look to some like any ordinary building, a church, what of it? But to me this building spells home. My beloved and I attended this church for 13 years, and what years they were. My beloved was Baptised as an adult, as were two of our daughters, two daughters were married here and four out of five of Cathy and Cliff's babies were Baptised here as well. This wonderful building was my "job site" for twelve years. It was and is a place of great memories and wonderful people. When we moved from Richmond after a year of foot draging (on my part especially), we transferred our membership to Trinity Lutheran in Delta. Oh the longing to return was hard.
Yesterday we returned "home" for a visit. As soon as we pulled into the driveway, people began waving, and before we even got out of the car an old friend came to greet us, and as soon as we stepped in the door the hugs and laughter began. It felt so good to be home. Seeing the faces of dear friends, catching up on their news, a new baby with my daughter Amy's first name was born to Barb's daughter in Australia, my friend Marion is expecting her second grandchild, our dear friend Rose told me she couldn't e-mail me because her computer is on the fritz, hearing that Carrie was getting married at 5:00 that very afternoon at the Church, Congratulations Carrie!, seeing Mary and John, Shirley and Carolyn (the ultimate webmaster at Our Saviour), Christiane, Jim, James, Cora Lee, Jon and Marit, Svanhild, Ermida, Tanya and her growing boys, Til and Virgie, hearing Bev play the organ again,Verna recovering from a broken limb, Edita and Frances, Deo and Dale and their adorable sons, Don, Rosewitha, Brenda an acknowledged lurker of my blog (hi Brenda), Pat and Ed, Vida and Kristen back from "seminary" sitting with their loved ones, Al and Ralph and Marilyn, either Jeremy or Shawn (sorry guys-you're getting too old!), Marg, Inez, Colleen and Harry and Grace and George, Lila and Pat and Shirley, Tussy and Anke, Gary without Sylvia, but missing her and thinking and praying about her. So many more that I haven't named here, and missing those that were away on holidays, I mean it is Summer after all. Of course I have to mention Pastor Tim and his meaningful Homily, his hugs and humour. And who said you can't go home again?
If you don't have a church home, my recommendation is that you find one. Become a part of what is great and good in our churches. You will find much to do, and volunteer for, you will create lasting friendships and find new meaning in your life and if you are lucky enough to get a good preacher, you will hear a homily that will stay with you all week long. Get ye to a church!
Want to find out more about Our Saviour Lutheran, Richmond, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada? Go to their website and look around:
Be sure to check out Pastor Tim's homilies, it's not the same as being there but it is a great start!