Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Snowflakes Worked or, Who Do You Blame for the Snow? I Know Who I Do!

Last Saturday afternoon Pappa and Nanny were so lucky to have two little sleepover girls named Claire and Carly. The snow had just begun to fall after they arrived for our weekend adventure. When Claire looked out the window she got so excited and exclaimed "The snowflakes worked!" When I enquired further about this comment she explained to us that they had placed snowflakes on Nona's window. I'm guessing that they discussed the possibility that maybe by hanging these on the window it could encourage the real thing. I'd say that their supposing was correct and now I know who to blame for all of the difficulties travelling to and from work and going to the grocery store. But then, when I really stop to think about it, I must really thank them too for the beautiful picture postcards of snow on trees, and lawns and roofs and also for the Christmas card look of the land. But please Nona Carly, Catie, Claire and Cameron, take them down as soon as possible because Winter isn't officially here yet!

1 comment:

cathy said...

Oh really...