The snow piles that greeted 2009 are still here. The Christmas lights on the trees outdoor are still hanging there because the lawn is still under a frozen blanket which means the extension cords are buried too. There is a minute patch of green here and there around the bases of trees. It's still so wintery in The Grove that even the Sasquatch paid us a visit. Take a look at him running in my front yard!
All of these pictures were taken on Monday, Jan. 26/09
I think he was hiding in this snow cave in our front yard!
As I reported in previous blogs we had a celebration at the Giggledam on Friday, Jan. 16, organized by April and Cathy which was so much fun.
Look at these two happy men--relieved that it is Tyler's turn--right guys?
On Friday morning my beloved and I drove out to Champagne and Lace to have the beautiful dress steamed and ready to drive into Richmond later on in the day. The girls, their daddy and I met up for a quick bite of dinner before they rushed off for mani/pedis. The photo below was taken knowing "no photos to be taken in Casino", so I'm glad Amy shot this one off before we were told not to take any more!
Saturday's pictures tell it all!
Thanks for these two pictures April~
This picture below was taken by Amy and Tyler's Photographer (sorry I don't know her name)
She captured it all in this photo I believe!
On Sunday morning following the Wedding Breakfast Brunch, we all went our separate ways. So happy for Mr. & Mrs. Moore. It was a beautiful wedding and they did an awesome job in getting it all together right down to the smallest little detail. They are now off on their Honeymoon. Soaking in the warm sun. Taking a well deserved break from all their planning.
Sadly on Tuesday, my dear little Mother-In-Law took a horrible fall on a sidewalk on her way home from shopping. She was admitted to hospital and since then she has had to have the left shoulder joint replaced and had to have 3 or 4 pins put in her broken left wrist. It was and is, so sad to see this fiercely independent lady now laid up in a hospital bed.
Mom, we sure hope you are up and about and doing the things you like to do. Heal up and get better soon!
My New Family Tree!
January certainly has been memorable for many reasons. I wonder what Mr. February will bring? Stay tuned.