Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Wonder of Spring

We have lived in this house for almost three years now and you'd think from year to year I'd remember what happens outside in my garden, but I don't. To me, that too is the wonder of Spring.

I love looking out my kitchen window into our back yard especially at this time of year. Over the past few weeks first snowdrops, then crocuses, probably planted most likely by the first owner, a gardener of some repute I've been told, have popped up on our lawn. There is a name for throwing down bulbs --no not lazy!!--I believe it's called natural gardening--and planting them where they land. It is a nice concept but one I always fear. At this time of year you start hearing the lawnmower engines come roaring back to life in the neighbourhood and I worry that the cutting bug will be caught by my beloved too, and he would have no choice but to mow them down! So far so good.
But I digress. On Monday when I looked out of our window I saw little patches of purple all over the lawn and it was right then that I remembered-the Violets have returned! They are so tiny and delicate. I've never had them in any of our former houses, nor actually seen violets before except for the ones you can buy in the veggie market. I just love them. I grabbed my camera and took a picture of just one little cluster.

Aren't they something? I happily share mine with you just in case your lawnscape hasn't been naturally planted. Happy Spring everyone!


Hope Walls said...

I always forget what's in my garden, too. I kind of think maybe I do it subconsciously, so I'm never bored with the garden. Every year it's a total surprise what's coming up!

Violets are very sweet, and always remind me of My Fair Lady...

I don't have violets in my yard but I do get creeping charlie. The neighbours hate it but I LOVE it. lol

Allyson said...

I think that's what Spring is all about, renewal, especially in our gardens. If we lived closer, I'd deliver a batch for your yard.

I hadn't remembered that from My Fair Lady, until you typed it. Thanks for the memory.

Creeping Charlie? You'll have to post a picture, I don't know if I'm familiar with it.

cathy said...

Nature is so beautiful!! Imagine that! Our neighbours have little flowers (bulby) ones like crocus and daffodils growing all out of their lawn in patches...very interesting this 'natural' gardening business.