Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Angels had a Terrific Bowling Party This Morning!

Just when you thought you might get a little extra shut-eye, all cozy and comfy under all the covers . . .

The static on my clock radio indicating lighting, a thousand and one, a thousand and two a thousand and three a thousand and four and THUNDER enough to rattle the roof and rain enough to swamp our back 40! To quote an Advent hymn in With One Voice, one of our Lutheran hymnals, My Lord, What a Morning! Let's hope this rain helps the firefire fighters in our Province. And let's further hope it didn't start thousands of new forrest fires. I can't wait to go for a walk in our ravine later on today to see if West Mundy Creek is rushing by!


cathy said...

Yes, that thunder bolted Cameron out of bed, and in front of the TV with the blankets on him. The other kids did not hear it. Boy was that powerful!

Allyson said...

Poor Cameron! That was a fierce storm to sit through all alone! Funny what kids can sleep through when they want to aye? If you walked in on tiptoes, and the floor gave the slightest squeek, eyes would bolt open!