Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pink is for Girls, Blue is for Boys

And if Blue is for boys, then that means . . .

Yes, our daughter April gave birth to an 8 pound 6 oz baby boy on December 11, 2009. He is healthy, alert, and feeding really well. He was supposed to be born on December 23 but he knew that would make it hard for his Mommy and Daddy to plan all of his future Birthday Parties so he decided that the 11th was a perfect day! And was he right! Hudson Nicholas is here and Nanny and Pappa couldn't be more delighted.
Welcome Hudson, we look forward to getting to know all about you, to hear your stories and share your life.
Your journey of love has begun, adventures await. We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nanny & Papa (A.A. & U.D)! He's perfect. What a wonderful Christmas gift for the family! I bet you guys are just elated!
Lots of love, Andrea xo