Everyone was on their best behaviour, guarded and afraid to let any cats out of the bag. All the while Motor and Diesel were totally and happily oblivious! I believe I have the nicest looking family going. Prejudiced you say? Yup, very much so!
I began blogging when my daughter "Murrayville Mom" was the only blogging daughter in the family, now that I have two daughters blogging, the name isn't as appropriate but it's me!
Nicest family going? Yup, I do say very much so too! (And I am not prejudiced ONE BIT!) A beautiful family indeed. And we love you ALL so very much. xo
Andrea, Kirby and Matthew xo
Thank you my darling. You know we can add you to the "official" roster at any time, just say the word! A.A. & U.D. xxxooo
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