What a glorious week! The sun has been shining which means, that we have some very Happy Campers sleeping under the stars. And while they are sleeping, camping, eating, splashing and playing, Cathy and Cliff's family decreased by half the number of children. Cameron, Catie and Caroline are with Uncle Tyler and Aunty Amy and Kayla. How very lucky for the children and how wonderful of Aunty Amy and Uncle Tyler. They are stars!
Monday to Friday, Carly and Claire are attending a combination activity/summer school camp. I hear they are just having a blast. Today I know, they went swimming. How fun and exciting.
The upshot of all of the above means that while Daddy is hard at work (and doing something fun at an airport I hear), mommy and Coco are footloose and fancy-free and that's where Nanny and Pappa come in! How lucky for us!
Coco has the sweetest laugh, and dimples just like her daddy's when she smiles, and does she smile! We played and played, ate and played some more until we tired her out but good. Today she said the word "up" when I removed her from her momma's old high chair and when she got down, she played with a great toy we bought for Cameron when he was one, a great family favourite, and was babbeling away. Such a delight for the eyes and ears. Sometimes she reminds me of Carly, or Catie, or Caroline, sometimes we see Cameron, sometimes my sister-in-law. A look, a laugh, a certain sound, but one thing is for certain, she is really coming into her own. What a delicious journey!
Here are some of the many faces of Coco captured during our 2 days of visits!
Coco, Day One
Coco, Day Two!
Playing with the Brio toy that Cathy's Pappa bought for her. So cool, as you pull the cart along, the egg flips over and over.
I'm too sleepy to stay awake any longer Nanny!
Wake up Coco, it's time for lunch!
Pappa and I will treasure these rare days, thank you Amy and Tyler for your awesome gift of time!